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SMEV-3 integration

Development of Datafinn, integration module Datafinn.Connect allows you to connect to the SMEV 3 infrastructure directly. About 40 connections to the most popular types of SMEV information are already configured and tested.

Consumers: : Сredit organizations, Credit bureau, Multifunction Centers, Bank of Russia, Regional Governments, Federal Governments, Local Authorities, Certificate Authorities, Non-state pension funds, Securities market participants

SMEV1 is a federal state information system designed to organize information interaction between the information systems of SMEV participants to provide State and Municipal services and perform State and Municipal functions in electronic form. SMEV participants are Federal executive bodies, State extra-budgetary funds, Multifunction Centers, Local Authorities and other organizations.

The purpose of SMEV is to improve the quality of the provision of state and municipal services and the performance of state and municipal functions through the use of common information resources, reducing the time to search and processing information in electronic form.

  • Ensuring the technological possibility of information interaction between existing and newly created state information systems, municipal information systems and other information systems designed to perform state tasks;
  • Ensuring the technological independence of SMEV and the rules of its work from ongoing technical, administrative, organizational and other changes in information systems connected to SMEV;
  • Application of common technologies, unified software and hardware; lawful use of software, use of certified software, hardware and communications;
  • Ensuring the protection of information from unauthorized access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions;
  • Minimization of financial and time costs when transmitting and receiving information;
  • Input and multiply use of information in information systems connected to SMEV;
  • Real-time operation; respect for the rights of citizens in the automated processing of personal data.
  • Register the Participant and information system in the SMEV test environment
  • Test the type of information in the SMEV test environment
  • Connect to a productive environment
  • Register the Participant and information system in the productive environment of SMEV
  • Get access to information types in the productive environment of the SMEV

Interaction of information systems through SMEV is carried out using electronic services implemented in the form of web services. For the transmission of electronic messages is used the SOAP protocol over HTTP. To place electronic signatures in messages are used XMLDsig and PKCS # 7. The PDF / A format is used for electronic document management, the details of the electronic document are in the XML file. Information is transmitted in messages using the WS-Security standard. The rules for the development of electronic services and the use of electronic signature technology are regulated by order of the Ministry of Communications RF № 190 dated 27.12.2010. As well as the Methodological Recommendations for the development of electronic services and the use of electronic signature technology. SMEV has the functions of recording interaction. SMEV also allows you to establish who did a request of information.

Functionality SMEV-2 SMEV-3
1 Synchronous Message Processing Mode
2 Asynchronous Message Processing Mod
3 File transfer up to 1 GB through FTP
4 Push-notifications
5 SMEV-3 adapter
6 Notice about electronic signature expiration
7 Distribution
8 Multi-priority

Areas of use

Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation
Customer identification
Obtaining information from government sources on behalf of a client
Accounting for ESIA authorization as a simple electronic signature
List select information
Ministry of Internal Affairs
Ministry of Internal Affairs
Checking registration address at the place of residence
Checking registration address at the place of residence
Сriminal record and wanted check
List select information
Federal Bailiffs Service
Federal Bailiffs Service
Obtaining information on the availability of enforcement proceedings
Obtaining a decision of the bailiff and information on the course of enforcement proceedings
List select information
Federal Tax Service
Federal Tax Service
Obtaining the TIN (INN) of an individual and information about his tax debt
Receive information about customer registration from the unified state register: USRLE (EGRUL)/ USRIE (EGRIP)
Checking the possibility of opening accounts for individuals
Obtaining information on the income of individuals (personal income tax certificate: 2-NDFL, 3-NDFL)
List select information
Pension Fund
Pension Fund
Obtaining the insurance number of an individual personal account – INIPA (SNILS)
Obtaining information on accruals on the personal account of an employee
Getting information about the amount of pension
List select information
(The Federal Treasury) State Information System on State and Municipal Payments
(The Federal Treasury) State Information System on State and Municipal Payments
Compliance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 № 210 “On the Organization of the Provision of State and Municipal Services”
Informing customers about arrears
Providing customers with an additional service for the payment of state and municipal services and other payments
List select information
State Information System of Housing and Communal Services
State Information System of Housing and Communal Services
Compliance with the Federal Law of July 21, 2014 № 209 “On the State Information System of Housing and Communal Services”
Search for billing
Service for making payments for housing and communal services through credit organizations and transfer of payment facts to GIS
List select information
Federal state statistic service
Federal state statistic service
Checking legal entities when opening an account and issuing a loan
List select information
Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund
Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund
Simplified identification for customers of credit organizations
List select information

Services for integration with SMEV-3:

Maintenance and consulting support at all stages of gaining access to the types of information of SMEV 3
Installation, configuration and testing of the Datafinn.Connect module
Connecting Information Systems to Test and Production Environments of SMEV 3
Connecting new services and services operating in pilot mode

Call us: + 7 (926) 606-67-33

For cooperation:
Mob.: +7 (977) 667-72-67, E-mail: [email protected]